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Table of Contents. “Hi, my boot manager keeps popping up every time I start my laptop. Is there any way to make it go back to normal so that it can just start automatically without going into the boot manager screen?” As mentioned at the beginning, Windows 10 always enters the Windows Boot Manager interface when booting. What should you do to fix it? You cannot remove the Windows Boot Manager. However, you can reduce the time that it waits for you to answer. Thus, you can use Command-Line to enable or disable Windows Boot Manager or use the System Configuration tool to modify the default behavior. Step 2. On the search result, right-click on the “Command Prompt” and select “Run as administrator”. Step 4. If you intend to disable Windows Boot Manager, type bcdedit / set timeout 0 and hit “Enter”. Step 2. Select the “Boot” tab on the System Configuration window that opens. Kumpulan bigo live hot.Прошивка через режим загрузчика.
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